VAT Object

The VAT object is now deprecated. Please use the tax object instead. VAT for both the entire receipt and individual items are stored in a VAT object, with the following keys:





float, optional

the vat rate, in percent


float, required

the amount of vat at this rate


string, optional

the vat code

The VAT object is used slightly differently in the receipt object and in the item object. An item may only have one VAT rate associated with it and the vat key in the item object therefore contains a VAT object directly. A receipt on the other hand may contain a breakdown of different VAT rates and its vat key therefore contains a array of VAT objects, one object for each rate present on the receipt.


  • A rate a rate of zero is a valid rate (for zero rated items), when the rate is unknown the value null is used

  • An amount an amount of zero is a valid value if, for example, the rate is zero, the amount will always be zero